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Clesh video editor - видеоредактор

Clesh video editor - видеоредакторMain uses of Clesh
* Share your photos
* Share stills from your videos
* Share clips from your videos
* Edit your video and photos and share your video stories
* Publish to Facebook® and keep copies on your tablet

Recently added to Android version:
* Frame accurate timeline editing with multitouch gestures
* Multi ARM A9 Cortex NVIDIA Tegra 2 support

Create masterpieces from your videos and photos: identify all the best bits, and use the storyboard to build the flow. Frame accurate editing lets you get the cuts exactly right. Drag the result to a publish icon to transfer it to Facebook® or download to your tablet.

Novices can take photos and select chosen frames from videos. Drag them to the Facebook® icon to share with friends.

Advanced users can continue editing their videos on any internet connected computer, where there are many features which have yet to be ported to the tablet version. Use your tablet login at www.clesh.com.

Clesh has no adverts and doesn’t take copyright over your content. It runs on the world’s most advanced Cloud-based video editing platform, which has already handled over 1,000,000 hours of professionally shot content.

Key features available on Android
Drag and drop interface
Cross platform Cloud operation
Uses built in video / stills camera
Frame accurate video editing
Top and tail editing
Storyboard editing
Timeline editing including trimming
Pan and zoom (photos and videos)
Label clips
Publishing to tablet
Publishing to Facebook®
Public and Support chat
Download cache to reduce internet bandwidth
Storage for 30 minutes of video in the Cloud

Log on to your account from your PC / Mac for additional functionality:
Titling (includes background / foreground colour and transparency)
Colour correction (black and white levels; saturation; white balance)
Audio levels
Video and audio fades up and down
Up to 8 independent audio tracks
Graphic overlay tracks
Real time video transitions


Скачать: clsh128.apk [281,1 Kb]


Категория: Мультимедиа, Дата: 8-05-2011, 23:26, Просмотров: 2003, Комментариев: 10, ID:




Прямая ссылка:

№10 | написал: Burus
пробовал открыть формат lnk через программное обеспечение!

№9 | написал: Doomfang
запускается на HTC Hero?

№8 | написал: Kirirdin
"Clesh video editor - видеоредактор" первоклассный...

№7 | написал: Marinius
выдалось, запустила под администратором!

№6 | написал: Silverweaver
просьба, подскажите, закачал программку, теперь никак не получается настроить функции ее.

№5 | написал: Nightsmith
Приложение открылось на планшетнике

№4 | написал: Beazebandis
однажды спасла бесподобная утилита - Clesh video editor

№3 | написал: Cordadi
Незнание американского языка дико затрудняет либо эксплуатировать можно?

№2 | написал: Mirawyn
Можно скачать.

№1 | написал: Doomworker
как-то раз софтина помогла!

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