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Favsites - удобное хранение любимых сайтов

Favsites - удобное хранение любимых сайтовFavSites is essentially a quick launch tab browser application that allows you to load up to 5 tabs of your favourite sites. You can customise each tab to your liking to load your favourite local news site, tech news site, webmail or anything that you see fit. It has lots of features and configuration options such as:

- Ability to customise up to 5 sites to be displayed in the tabs (name can be customised too!). 1 Tab is the minimum allowed.
- Manual clearing of application cache (which caches the pages to your internal storage) or automatically clearing of cache on exit
- Exit confirmation dialog (can be enabled or disabled)
- Page Rendering Preferences Option – javascript and Display Images Option (useful for those who want text-only display OR those with a mobile data plan and just want to catch the latest news without images)
- Support for Flash to be displayed in the browser (there is a known bug where if a flash element is within view of the tabs above, it will overlap the tabs. I’ve yet to be able to fix this, so for now, please move your tab view outside of the flash element to prevent the overlapping issue)
- Page loading indication below each tab, indicated by a text and a loading percentage (ex: is loading…(10%))
- Forward, backward and refresh capabilities
- Keep Screen ON option. Don’t you hate it when your phone screen times out when you’re reading an interesting article or some really awesome comic? Well don’t get upset anymore! With the keep screen ON option, as long as FavSites is in view, your phone’s screen will never time out.
- Display orientation – You can toggle between automatic sensor orientation, set it to fixed portrait OR landscape orientation all the time.
- Volume Scrolling – I like this one the most. You can use your volume rocker buttons to scroll UP and DOWN one page at a time for easy browsing/reading pleasure. Don’t like that? Perhaps you prefer to scroll to the topmost or the bottom of the page instead? No problem, you can set it to that instead if you prefer. Awesome right?
- Google Web Toolkit mobile page rending – If you’re like me, you’ll probably be browsing some sites that are not optimized for mobile which requires a lot of horizontal scrolling and such. Well don’t worry anymore, you can set for each tab to render them in GWT (Google Web Toolkit) mobilizer form and on top of that, you can set whether you want to display images or not JUST for GWT sites to boot. Now, how cool is that?
- Manual tab loading – Now this one came from a suggestion by a user in legendroid.com, setting this option on any tab allows you to manually load the tab by touching on the link in the tab. Having this option turned on would load up your tabs a bit faster (instead of loading up all 5 sites up at one go for instance) and also possibly gives you more freedom instead of loading all the tabs. 


Скачать: favsites-v1.21.apk [58,67 Kb]


Категория: Органайзеры, Дата: 28-08-2010, 09:16, Просмотров: 1627, Комментариев: 10, ID:




Прямая ссылка:

№10 | написал: Cohuginn
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№9 | написал: Nanrad
долго осуществляется действие, еще оформление программы не очень нравится.

№8 | написал: Fearlessskin
А толк загружать последнюю версию софтины, если эта вариация хорошая?

№7 | написал: Spellsmith
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№4 | написал: Blackstaff
файл байда!

№3 | написал: Ironflame
имею возможность загрузить софт??

№2 | написал: Whisperdweller
Получится открыть lnk?!

№1 | написал: Starrunner
если не загружается, приостановите антивирусник!

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